Archives~ONLINE Terms and Conditions


1) Can you please ensure that you have registered your interest in the Archives on the new Sir Henry Royce Memorial Foundation website under "Archives" before accessing them on this site.  This is so the Foundation can maintain records of who has accessed the Archive (Foundation member, R.R.E.C. member or member of the public), there is NO CHARGE for this registration.

The search facility for the archive works by filtering records using an ‘SQL’ search.  The key things to know before you use this facility to access the archives is that the search terms you use will be matched against the chosen field. Thus is yiou search for the subject "Goshawk" only documents with that single word will be showen to you. In general you will want to include one or more wildcard (the characters * and ?). * will match any number of arbitrary characters so "*Goshawk*" for the Subject field will find documents with Goshawk (in upper or lower case) anywhere in the title. The wildcard ? matches exactly one character.

There is a link to the documentation (The Indexer's Handbook) in the main menu once you are logged in.

If you find you need access to the original records then please contact to arrange an accompanied visit to Hunt House. There may be a charge for this to cover costs.

2) We would very much like to have more volunteers to undertake the indexing of these priceless records. The Indexer's Handbook shows how simple this process can be. If you would like to volunteer please contact us by email at

3) We need further funding to continue the work on these archives.  Please consider a donation to enable us to continue to offer more of these historically important works to the public. A donation page will be found on the Foundation website .

4) Use of the archives for personal use is unlimited but copyright of the archives remains with the Sir Henry Royce Memorial Foundation. Use for commercial purposes is also allowed subject to full acknowledgement of the source of the information and a Copyright notice to be placed in the works.  These terms are equivalent to Creative Commons CC  BY. Please contact for full details.

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